The finest things of life are simple, wonderful, and cost nothing. They are available (potential) to all humans to varying degrees:
The societies of greed and antilife have evolved into wicked designs, whose function is to eliminate all of the above, and replace them with commodities (i.e., for purchase), which can be controlled by owners. As a result, most humans become reliant on owners for the substitutes of life, which solidifies ownership control. It is like taking a baby's mother away and replacing her with plastic arms.
Below follows how the owners control things.
Social interaction is limited to prevent the formation of sexual bonds, or those of friendship or love. At the earliest stage of life, the coercion begins; as humans grow older, they are pushed even more firmly in the direction of routines that separate people from one another, and make them reliant on paying rents to owners for the privilege of one another's company, or approximations thereof.
Mother's milk is replaced with chemical formula (natural v. purchased; life v. antilife)
Mother is replaced with daycare worker (natural v. purchased; life v. antilife)
Parents are replaced with toys and television
Socializing may more easily occur within a private home, or at a public park, but parks are few and far between, and most of the population dwells in small apartments. Television and culture encourages children to feel that socializing must take place at commercial venues, where their parents pay rent to owners for the privilege of a larger space to play: commercial park, kiddie pizza, etc.
In school, gender roles are reinforced and the sexes are segregated and differentiated. Gym, bathrooms and other norms teach children to be ashamed of their bodies, and that it is wicked (or gross) to look at other bodies. Television and culture have already taught them to divide the sexes based on product distinction, and that sexual identity is established through choice of toys or play activities. Physical intimacy is discouraged as repressed adults enforce their fantasy of sexless, "innocent" children through touching barriers and the respecting of firm notions of privacy.
You cannot walk out your door without running into a road where you are expected to be burning purchased gasoline in a purchased car to belong. You can go almost nowhere to be social without being expected to buy a drink or an entree, or be shopping for something else. Inadvertant socializing occurs in the workplace, but among a limited group of people, under the control of owners or managers, who are driven to excessive control by the pressure of economic competition.
The village green is replaced with the private bar.
Limited time for socializing between the demands of employment and maintaining economic well-being reduces the time available for interaction. Through decades of television and popular culture inculcation, interaction itself is a brainless word game of confidence projection, and deception about social status, power or income.
Individual economics pit single persons against one another in a quest to avoid losing out by marrying into a lower income group. Potential mates must be carefully weighed to avoid investing too much of oneself in a "costly" (by comparison to other "opportunities") mistake.
People have already learned to identify themselves by products. Clothing brands, television shows, sports teams, and occupation define the individual. Not surprisingly, people learning these things about other people find themselves to know nothing, even if they may feel a superficial pleasure at matching answers.
Every good thing listed above is very obviously crushed by the "be economically successful or starve outdoors" pressure of free trade. Exercise--exertion--becomes difficult to squeeze into the crammed life. Relaxation cannot be enjoyed if the body has not exerted previously, and is healthy and prepared to melt into true relaxation. Imagination is interfered with by the crushing of dreams, and is crowded out by the stresses and pressures of money.
How did society come to be designed around limiting the freest, easiest, best things, which we can give each other?
The devaluing of the self that the fearful mind engages in is king. Devalue your own flesh, and see it as sinful; devalue your thoughts, and see them as inadequate. Instead glorify the purchasable people available on television. Look to them for models of friendship and romance; look to the magazine covers for desire.
Enthroned avarice; antilife; notions of ownership that go against the core of the living universe. The outpouring of the ragnarist mind, where we pursue the monetary absolute, and deride everything true and good and alive. A pressure that cannot be ignored in these times, to be sure. Yet sustenance does not need to be paired with a rejection of life. Sustenance unfettered from the administrative costs of tithing owners for parceled privileges would be a hundred times easier.
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